Jeevan Ek Khoj: Chandrayaan Lands
This is well written article along with the words of Sri Sri.
We are all born as humans and try to live as humans and not as ghosts. There are so many religious practices for each and every religion, there are good and bad practices. Most of them give positive effects on the human mind and body. Just take only positives. Science we have to take all positives and negatives to build some theories which mainly depend on mathematics, which are again assumptions of theories. Most of the science is built upon the theories more precise we go nearer to the start of the elements and the life the more crazier the theories, then we have to doubt about our own existence.
Most of religious practices couple few things like building the resistance and immunity of the body and mind along with positive mentality, which in turn helps in making one to feel that we are together and not separate, the feeling of separation comes only in science and it becomes individuals effort, the ego builds up and the self destruction starts.
Presently we are in the verge of self destruction, probably entire human community is at stake due to some of these individuals who wanted to control the world for their greed and creed which has only one end that is self destruction and also destroying entire community of humans along with the nature.Only the positive that can help us to overcome such eventualities is the spirituality, which is nothing but thinking that we are all humans and wanted to live as long as this earth stays, in peace, harmony and serene conditions.
Only one religion is great which advocates that we are all humans, irrespective of race, religion, region etc. Such a religion adopts all others, all religions converge into that.Such a promoter is only one in the entire world that is HINDUISM.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Positive Attitude
Every type of science is for discovering the truths beyond our imaginations. In so called modern sciences we experiment with materials, try to find a solution how they behave, and try to use them for benefits of society. Similarly in Vedic sciences they include the life of every being to and their behaviour this includes the influences of planetary and cosmic elements, which they called as constellations. They too have some influence on this earth. Similarly there are different types of lights and magnetic radiations by each and every element, they too have some effect on life as well as on the other materials. All these studies were put together in cryptic form. Now what we are seeing is the effects of those planets and stars, which makes one crazy, because of which so many problems. If we take it positively all the stars give the same effects on those who takes them positively. What I mean try use our brains rather than, jumping to conclusions which based on illogical approaches. If one is having self-consciousness, self-awareness automatically self-reliance will develop.Self realisation is only the path that helps to develop positive attitude, if ones mind is full of negatives how his brain will function to the maximum possible to give better results. I think now a days we are all reading so many materials from different angles, to decipher the information we need lot of thinking.
This creates a lot of stress on the mind and body, to relieve the stresses meditation along with some physical exercise will help a lot.
Because of the customs and practises of different people also gives raise to some misunderstandings, better let them have their own way, as we are all dependent on each other, other wise there will not be any social culture. All the religions are good for the Humans. The main principle being LIVE LET OTHERS LIVE.
This creates a lot of stress on the mind and body, to relieve the stresses meditation along with some physical exercise will help a lot.
Because of the customs and practises of different people also gives raise to some misunderstandings, better let them have their own way, as we are all dependent on each other, other wise there will not be any social culture. All the religions are good for the Humans. The main principle being LIVE LET OTHERS LIVE.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Every thing is MAYA (A curtain of mist which bloks the eyes, ears and other sences)
So far I have tried explained how to sustain the lifeon this earth. These methods have nothing to do withthe man made religions. You may call this as Rigvedhaor Brigvedha or Dhrukhvedha. Now I am going to explainthe combinational evolution of life. This is highlytricky and has all the possible and probablepermutations. Poornam Adham Poornam Idham Poornath Poornam! Udhatyache Poornam asha Poorname Vaava Sisyathe!! When we are adding two things like positive andnegative, it forms another combination which may belife or material. This can be employed for chemicalsciences or life sciences it is true. One thing to benoted is bacterial systems depend on the earth as wellas on other life systems as far as life is there. Thenthey take control over it to degrade it. Which areused / consumed by other life forms like trees,animals, birds and fish. Under the sea the bacterialgrowth pushes the life up and final form is fish whichconsume them as they grow to the top. Just like smallfish is eaten be big fish and the big fish is eaten bybigger fish etc. Similarly bacteria on the earthdecomposes various materials including life which isagain consumed by trees or animals or birds. Theliving life on the earth also consumes the life of seacreatures. Only man if he makes chooses his foodproperly his genes shall be upper always. This is theevolution and revolution theory of all sciences. This also can be explained by the following china maayanu padamaaya pedamaayanu penumaayaidi swaaha adi swaaha idi vedhamchina maayanu peda maaya pdamaayanu penu maayaidi swaha adi swaaha idi vedhamatu nene itu nene adi nene idi neneidi satyam dharmam agni jyothi sarwa lokam Meaning of this wordings are that ‘in this nature smaller systems are consumed by bigger and bigger ones are by the larger ones’, this how the magic of life continues.
Eight Paths of Light
There are eight paths of light, which are predominant in nature. Ray of Light: It is evident that the light is primary source of life on this earth’s surface. A beam of light or a shaft of light or a ray of light triggers the mechanisms in the green and develops different materials on the greens, whatever be the surface exposed develops its own mechanism and prepares the materials which useful one way or other to its existence.
When this light ray is obstructed by any material it behaves differently, which are again root cause of different phenomenon. The different phenomenons which are predominant are given bellow:
Scattering: By scattering it deviates from the path of original direction and breaks into its constituents. And thus makes the mater of the obstruction mesmerized,
Reflection: By reflection it bounces back in different direction creates mirror images or complex conjugates,
Diffraction: By diffraction the light slightly deviates from the path of the original direction creates illusions,
Interference: By interference of the different constituents of the light forms fringes of infinite colours, creates amazement,
Spectral lines: Each constituent of light forms its own spectra by its own interfering fringes or spectral lines, characteristic of the all materials.
Absorption: When light or its constituents are absorbed by the obstructing materials, they excite it and emit the characteristic of the light or its constituents or its varieties by which the materials are identified.
Dispersion: The light which has fallen on one material does neither of the above characteristics; it disperses into all the directions spherically, also called as polarizing, high inertial materials.
Unison: The light that has all the above items 2 to 7, has the knack of combining after certain period of time or travel of distance
When this light ray is obstructed by any material it behaves differently, which are again root cause of different phenomenon. The different phenomenons which are predominant are given bellow:
Scattering: By scattering it deviates from the path of original direction and breaks into its constituents. And thus makes the mater of the obstruction mesmerized,
Reflection: By reflection it bounces back in different direction creates mirror images or complex conjugates,
Diffraction: By diffraction the light slightly deviates from the path of the original direction creates illusions,
Interference: By interference of the different constituents of the light forms fringes of infinite colours, creates amazement,
Spectral lines: Each constituent of light forms its own spectra by its own interfering fringes or spectral lines, characteristic of the all materials.
Absorption: When light or its constituents are absorbed by the obstructing materials, they excite it and emit the characteristic of the light or its constituents or its varieties by which the materials are identified.
Dispersion: The light which has fallen on one material does neither of the above characteristics; it disperses into all the directions spherically, also called as polarizing, high inertial materials.
Unison: The light that has all the above items 2 to 7, has the knack of combining after certain period of time or travel of distance
Science of Spirituality
Science of Spirituality
By Bheemeswar D and Janakiraman K ;
Assumptions are the base of any scientific theory and its development and progress. Presently in the advanced stage of science and technology which is progressing very rapidly. Still there are questions that are to be answered. Any advancement should also accompany with development of mind untouched by religion or undue influences, which hinder the progress of mankind. In general in science we do experiment with materials to know their properties and use them for the betterment of the mankind. For this certain hypothesis or assumptions are made and utilized for advancement of sciences.
In spiritual sciences the assumptions are different because we are dealing with our own body and mind. In order to observe or feel the certain changes in our own body and mind we need to cleanse the body and then the entire system from unwarranted material, which may hinder the mind to observe or feel about them.
By birth each and every life is clean in mind and body is to some extent free from unwarranted things. There may be some defects while birth, which is mainly due to unclean body of bearer or genetic disorders. Which are not in the control of the mankind. But most of them can be overcome except genetic disorders provided the birth is normal/natural. As the children grow their body and mind are influenced by the society and the societal needs and not but not the least is the influential people they come across during the developmental stages. This causes the unrest and also raises the unruliness and other antihuman activities.
Here in this I am discussing about how to clean ones own body and mind in order to live like a human being and helpful to the society so as the life can extend further for farther distances in coming ages.
Step 1:
Irrespective of religion or race or region or cast or sect people should know how to respect others as their own kind.
Accept the persons as they are. We belong to each other as human beings. Show affection and care for them.
Step 2:
Do your body loosening exercises coupling with some stretching the body muscles.
Do some pranayam breathing techniques learn from teachers, this helps in pumping in enough oxygen into the body and clears the blood. This helps in loosening abdominal muscles and also diaphragm.
Do some fast breathings bastrika to loosen the body muscles more and gives very good relaxation to spinal chord. This should be learnt from teachers only.
Do some very slow breathings followed by medium breathings and rapid breathings in comfortable position. This should be repeated for three times then give a long rest to the body so as the breathing becomes normal. This enhances further cleaning of the body and also mind to some extent. Most of the toxins in the body or reduced to minimum by this technique. These are sufficient for the normal duties of any man kind.
For further cleaning of the body one has to do some rigorous yoga techniques for further loosening and clearing the mind. (additional oxygen pumping coupled with muscle stretching)
Do some very very long inhaling, paused and very very slow exhaling techniques (meditation) techniques to further clean the mind.
Do the same as given in 6 by concentrating your mind at different chakras of your body in order to clean and energize those chakras.
These make ones body and mind healthy.
There are so many people and courses who teach, preach these techniques.
Best out of all these entire is basic and advanced courses offered by Art of Living foundation, Bangalore. One can visit site to collect nearby or local addresses for more information.
In this the assumptions are that:
The oxygen pumped in reduces the toxins and also extra glucose/proteins in the body. Thereby enhances the metabolism. This in turn activates the central nervous system to normal functioning.
One can concentrate at different locations of the body by closing the eyes.
Humankind is same in all geographical conditions, irrespective of their religion and customs
During the course period one has to strictly adhere to vegetarian food and be away from other unnatural habits like smoking, alcohol and drug addiction.
By Bheemeswar D and Janakiraman K ;
Assumptions are the base of any scientific theory and its development and progress. Presently in the advanced stage of science and technology which is progressing very rapidly. Still there are questions that are to be answered. Any advancement should also accompany with development of mind untouched by religion or undue influences, which hinder the progress of mankind. In general in science we do experiment with materials to know their properties and use them for the betterment of the mankind. For this certain hypothesis or assumptions are made and utilized for advancement of sciences.
In spiritual sciences the assumptions are different because we are dealing with our own body and mind. In order to observe or feel the certain changes in our own body and mind we need to cleanse the body and then the entire system from unwarranted material, which may hinder the mind to observe or feel about them.
By birth each and every life is clean in mind and body is to some extent free from unwarranted things. There may be some defects while birth, which is mainly due to unclean body of bearer or genetic disorders. Which are not in the control of the mankind. But most of them can be overcome except genetic disorders provided the birth is normal/natural. As the children grow their body and mind are influenced by the society and the societal needs and not but not the least is the influential people they come across during the developmental stages. This causes the unrest and also raises the unruliness and other antihuman activities.
Here in this I am discussing about how to clean ones own body and mind in order to live like a human being and helpful to the society so as the life can extend further for farther distances in coming ages.
Step 1:
Irrespective of religion or race or region or cast or sect people should know how to respect others as their own kind.
Accept the persons as they are. We belong to each other as human beings. Show affection and care for them.
Step 2:
Do your body loosening exercises coupling with some stretching the body muscles.
Do some pranayam breathing techniques learn from teachers, this helps in pumping in enough oxygen into the body and clears the blood. This helps in loosening abdominal muscles and also diaphragm.
Do some fast breathings bastrika to loosen the body muscles more and gives very good relaxation to spinal chord. This should be learnt from teachers only.
Do some very slow breathings followed by medium breathings and rapid breathings in comfortable position. This should be repeated for three times then give a long rest to the body so as the breathing becomes normal. This enhances further cleaning of the body and also mind to some extent. Most of the toxins in the body or reduced to minimum by this technique. These are sufficient for the normal duties of any man kind.
For further cleaning of the body one has to do some rigorous yoga techniques for further loosening and clearing the mind. (additional oxygen pumping coupled with muscle stretching)
Do some very very long inhaling, paused and very very slow exhaling techniques (meditation) techniques to further clean the mind.
Do the same as given in 6 by concentrating your mind at different chakras of your body in order to clean and energize those chakras.
These make ones body and mind healthy.
There are so many people and courses who teach, preach these techniques.
Best out of all these entire is basic and advanced courses offered by Art of Living foundation, Bangalore. One can visit site to collect nearby or local addresses for more information.
In this the assumptions are that:
The oxygen pumped in reduces the toxins and also extra glucose/proteins in the body. Thereby enhances the metabolism. This in turn activates the central nervous system to normal functioning.
One can concentrate at different locations of the body by closing the eyes.
Humankind is same in all geographical conditions, irrespective of their religion and customs
During the course period one has to strictly adhere to vegetarian food and be away from other unnatural habits like smoking, alcohol and drug addiction.
Rig Veda
Probably you may agree that as human beings we are taking different types of foods and also using different kind of materials for our needs and requirements. Most of them are processed by different techniques and none of them are natural in conditions. Food is prepared by some one stored and most probably we may have to use preservatives. All are toxics one way or other. What I mean to say is that we are not eating freshly prepared food. There is some time lag. Similarly the other materials we use includes unnatural like nylon, for transport we use cars which pollute a lot. Whatever be the pollution control effects there is still some thing which is equally toxic. Similarly wherever we work is also not having natural breeze. Of course natural conditions are highly polluted because of the progress we have made. In order to reduce these effects we should have some mechanism to reduce these effects. Most of the other bacterial and virus and fungi systems may grow are adapt themselves to the environments. Because they have the capacity to change the chemicals required to counter the toxic materials or develop them. This is also because they interdependently survive. And also convert higher ordered combinations to lower order which are natural foods for other living organisms. Even some other organisms convert corbodioxide to carbon and oxygen or carboxylic acid which are useful for them to grow or helps other organisms to grow. Most of the worms also convert higher orders to lower order and coverts minerals into useful form for other organism or life.
But human, animals, birds and other plants do not have this ability to adapt to new environments. Only to some extent they survive.
As humans have brain they can view their own body elements if they meditate, and sense their functioning. Because of the changes during growth and development utilization of the materials man has gone more towards his own destruction. He has been distracted totally from the path of spirituality in order to gain materialistic benefits. Even now there are some spiritual leaders who are using the techniques one way or other to heal the wounds. But none of them are nearer to the goal of self healing. As you are aware that in human body the resistance comes from vitamin K, which we can only produce under certain conditions, this can not be substituted by any other means. None of the organs in the body are functionally not working to the full capacity, because of the pollution and environmental changes and the materials used. As we are totally dependant for our food on plants, animals and sea, even these are polluted water is polluted air is polluted why even our own minds are polluted, that’s where we have so many religions, races colour difficiencies etc. Even in the religions there are critical religions or sects and sub-sects. In the race there are sub-races. Colours there is no end. If you go back to education and working sciences & technologies, humanities and arts, commerce and business and a lot of varieties. All these are polluting our brains and create limits. Actually every thing comes under human sciences.
Now we are in a position where even we can not distinguish between good and bad, since our minds are polluted we do neither accept nor recognize and even act as if we never understood.
But human, animals, birds and other plants do not have this ability to adapt to new environments. Only to some extent they survive.
As humans have brain they can view their own body elements if they meditate, and sense their functioning. Because of the changes during growth and development utilization of the materials man has gone more towards his own destruction. He has been distracted totally from the path of spirituality in order to gain materialistic benefits. Even now there are some spiritual leaders who are using the techniques one way or other to heal the wounds. But none of them are nearer to the goal of self healing. As you are aware that in human body the resistance comes from vitamin K, which we can only produce under certain conditions, this can not be substituted by any other means. None of the organs in the body are functionally not working to the full capacity, because of the pollution and environmental changes and the materials used. As we are totally dependant for our food on plants, animals and sea, even these are polluted water is polluted air is polluted why even our own minds are polluted, that’s where we have so many religions, races colour difficiencies etc. Even in the religions there are critical religions or sects and sub-sects. In the race there are sub-races. Colours there is no end. If you go back to education and working sciences & technologies, humanities and arts, commerce and business and a lot of varieties. All these are polluting our brains and create limits. Actually every thing comes under human sciences.
Now we are in a position where even we can not distinguish between good and bad, since our minds are polluted we do neither accept nor recognize and even act as if we never understood.
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